This procedure will explain how to get augmented apps by adding specific features to recently created applications or even to our own applications.
Sign in to Veritran Marketplace with your email and password.
Then, Press the “Login” button to enter. After logging in, filter the available feature templates by pressing the "Feature Templates" button.
Search for the feature template you wish to subscribe, and press the "Add" button.
Then, press the "Go To Veritran Studio" button, which will take you to "Veritran Studio".
A welcome screen will be shown with all the different availabe options to create an app.
Select the "Add Feature to App" option.
You can add a feature template to an app in 3 simple steps. On the first step, select a "Feature template" From the Feature list you previously subscribed.
Press the "ADD SELECT FEATURE" button.
In the "My Apps" field, select the application in which your "Feature Template" will be added.
Then, press the "CONFIRM SELECTED APP" button.
In the third step, you will be able to configure the parameters that the "Feature" requires for its correct operation and integration.
Then press the "CONFIRM" button.
A small tutorial that will teach you how to connect a feature to a screen on your app, will be shown
Then, all the available screens on the app will be listed.
Search for the screen into which you will incorporate the feature you previously added and double click on it, to edit it.
Go to the "Library" section, look for the component that corresponds to the feature template you previously added, and drag it into the screen simulator in the area where you would like to use the feature’s functionality.
Press the "Save" button to save the changes made on the screen
On the "View Instances" screen, press the “Generate and Publish” button to publish your app.
On the confirmation screen, press the "CONFIRM PUBLICATION” button.
A QR code will be generated which you will be able to scan from the "Veritran Go" app, which is available in Google Play and App Store.
Open "Veritran Go" on your device and press the "SCAN QR CODE" button to scan the QR code that was previously generated.
After the QR code is scanned, a confirmation screen will appear. Press the "CONFIRM AND RESET" button on that screen.
"Veritran Go" will restart and your app will be loaded.
On your app, go to the screen where you integrated the feature.
Now you’re ready to test your new functionality!
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